Rainy Love

split and tied statue

Life is like a point-and-click adventure game. Today I went to the police station next to the library (because the library opens at 10) and I saw a monument with a rock split in two, joined around with a rope.

At the foot of the statue, which was called “split and tied” I found a poem on a ripped piece of paper:


As forgiveness allows love

to return to my awareness,

I will see a world

of peace and safety and joy.

I turned around and found a small yellow mushroom, with fronds of grass sticking out around it as if they were brushed away, framing the mushroom like a crown on a pillow.


In the fracturedness of these past couple weeks, this small excursion feels like an island of zen. It rained last night, but it’s not raining right now. Rain still hangs heavy in the air, and everything feels a little down, a little dampened. The statue maybe means, that even though we are not whole, there are social ropes that hold us together – family, community, country. Love.


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