Tag: history

  • Wrestling with Zion by Tony Kushner and Alisa Solomon

    Rating: 4/5, good I found this book in 2015 at the Grove Press booth at the Bay Area Book Festival. It appealed to me because I had seen a lot of pro-Palestinian articles online around the time of Operation Defensive Shield in 2014. My Hebrew school education on the conflict was about as balanced as…

  • A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell

    Rating: 3/5, average “Many histories of philosophy exist, and it has not been my purpose merely to add one to their number. My purpose is to exhibit philosophy as an integral part of social and political life: not as the isolated speculations of remarkable individuals, but as both an effect and a case of the…

  • But Why is the Blog Dead?

    It’s not dead, it just looks that way…  I realize I haven’t posted in a while, and this is for two reasons: Life Stuff – I’m engaged! And we bought a house! Unpacking boxes + decorating has taken a significant chunk out of my reading time. Also Fanime happened and my parents came to visit…